The Words I Would Say

May 4 2015 was the day my whole world shook. Someone who was a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and a best friend passed away. If my great grandmother were here today, these are the words I would say:

Hey Granny, life has been going well. I have graduated twice now since your passing, and I wish you could've been a part of those memories. Happily, we have so many other memories I can look back on and smile. I was in Steinbach for two years of school, and made many new friends and learned so much. I plan to become a teacher because I love working with kids, and am excited to start university in Brandon. I just hope that I have made you proud. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you, but all is well. I miss you.

Love, Adam


  1. Oh, Adam. This made me teary. First of all, because you're blogging even though you don't have to :), and secondly because this is beautiful. I know you've talked about your GGma before. It's clear how much you loved her. Know this: SHE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF THE MAN YOU ARE!


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